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The Bronze Bow

A few months ago I read The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare to my four youngest children.  I have read it many times before.  My sixteen year old son asked if I could please not cry so much this time.

I did pretty good.  Until the end.

It's a story of a group of Jewish youth, raised under the shadow of the Roman Empire, raised to either hate or accept their lot in life.  Jesus, the carpenter, has begun his ministry.  The youth are elated by his bearing - he must be the one! -  and disturbed by his teaching.  They do not understand how radical love will overcome oppression.  Hatred.  Anger.  Despair.  Fear.  Worry.

Shame, envy, hurt, confusion.  Doubt.

Just like all of us try to grasp the idea of radical love on a daily basis.  How can this work?  You anger and hurt me and loving you will solve the problem?  HOW?

The following is a quote near the end of The Bronze Bow:

“Daniel," he said. "I would have you follow me."

"Master!....I will fight for you to the end!"

"My loyal friend,"he said, "I would ask something much harder than that. Would you love for me to the end?"

"...I don't understand, he said again, You tell people about the kingdom. Are we not to fight for it?"

"The kingdom is only bought at a great price," Jesus said. "There was one who came just yesterday and wanted to follow me. He was very rich, and when I asked him to give up his wealth, he went away."

"I will give you everything I have!"

"....Riches are not keeping you from the kingdom," he said. 

"You must give up your hate.”

And from this point, to the end of the book, I wept openly.  For my insufficiencies.  For my stubborness.

For Daniel Bar Jamin, for me.  For the fictional character who struggles to understand the power of forgiveness and for the flesh and blood me who struggles with it too.  Every day.  

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